JDRF Team Whatever 2015

TEAM WHATEVER is ready to walk again to help find a cure for Type I Diabetes.

The love and support of Team WHATEVER—family, friends, teachers and nurses—are the #1 reasons Kieran (9, Ranney ‘25) and Lindsay (10, Ranney ’24) know, without a doubt, that one day there will be a cure for Type 1 diabetes.

We hope you will join us, once again, for the JDRF “One Walk” to Cure Type 1 Diabetes on Sunday, October 9, 2016 on the Avon Boardwalk.  This year Lindsay and Kieran wanted to share with you, in their own words, just what your support means to them…Click on this link to see the letter  jdrf-letter-2016

To help us find a cure for T1D, please consider making a donation to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), joining our team, or both!  We would love to have you with us in person or in spirit!  Also know, we are committed to this cause until there is a cure…please don’t feel obligated to donate every year.

You can donate or join the team by going to our team page: http://www2.jdrf.org/goto/WHATEVER.

If you plan to join us on October 9, please email to let us know how many people will coming and your preferred T-Shirt sizes by Wednesday, Sept. 28.


Because we will do whatever it takes to keep Kieran and Lindsay healthy and thriving, and together, we will do whatever it takes to find a cure for T1D. Thank you for being on our team!