TEAM Whatever to Walk for Diabetes on October 11

Team WHATEVER is ready again to kick off the fall with the the JDRF “One Walk” to Cure Type 1 Diabetes on Sunday, October 11, 2015 on the Avon Boardwalk.   

For the last five years, Team WHATEVER – family, friends, teachers and nurses all supporting Lindsay (Ranney School ’24) and Kieran (Ranney School ‘25) – has raised close to $25,000 to help find a cure for Type 1 diabetes (T1D). Thanks to this type of support, there have already been significant improvements in the technology available to manage T1D.  More than that, the constant love and support for the JDRF ensures Kieran and Lindsay stay safe and have hope that one day there will be cure.

Recently, Kieran shared the following advice to a friend diagnosed with T1D, “Diabetes is hard when you first get it. But I’ve been doing this since I was three so you actually grow into it. It’s getting a lot easier now that there are pumps and sensors. I am glad that you are getting it now instead of then.  So stay strong and try not to cry when you get blood checks. I know I did, if it makes you feel any better. The main rule is that you can’t sneak food, but you can eat whatever you want. It’s not a diet, or Type II diabetes. All you need to do is get insulin. I know it will hurt, but you will get used to it after a while. And someday, I know there will be a cure for diabetes and you can be a normal kid again.”

Lindsay shares, “This summer I went to day camp for eight weeks. I was Fiona in our camp play production of Shrek. Every day I wore my insulin pump and my constant glucose monitor. The pump allowed the camp nurses to adjust the amount of insulin I got to my activity. They made sure that I didn’t go too high or too low. The monitor let my Mom follow my blood sugars on her phone anywhere she went while I was having fun at camp. If it wasn’t for these technologies I may not have had such a good summer.  I am looking forward to seeing you at the walk!”

Read more about the progress to find a cure for T1D Click Here

All of us at Team Whatever hope you will consider making a donation, joining our team, or both!  We would love to have you with us in person or in spirit on the day of the walk.  And also know, that we are committed to this cause for the long-term and will be participating in this walk each year until there is a cure….please don’t feel obligated to donate every year.

Visit our team page: for more information.

Why Team WHATEVER?  Because we will do whatever it takes to keep Kieran and Lindsay healthy and thriving, and together, we will do whatever it takes to find a cure for T1D. Thank you for being on our team!